“Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) is the global leader in ocean sciences conferences. They are creating a meeting and networking environment that provides opportunities for ocean scientists, from those doing basic research to those working on solutions for the ocean we want, to present and share knowledge as well as network and address emerging topics in…
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Mes: abril 2021
🌎 Happy Earth Day 2021
Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs0Xv8ItZso Credits: American Geophysical Union
Comunicado de la Secretaría Administrativa
📢Comunicado de la Secretaría Administrativa al personal Académico y Administrativo de la UNAM.
One Planet, One Ocean – UNESCO
🎦 One Planet, One Ocean: Mobilizing Science to #SaveOurOcean #UNESCO. 👉 More information: here
World Oceans Day – 2021
🎦 The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods. 8 June 2021. 👉More information: https://unworldoceansday.org